Furfural from Sunflower Husks.
Over the years, our R&D team at International Furan Technology (“IFT“) evaluated sunflower husks as a feedstock for furfural production and determined that they have a ..
.. high pentosan content, are easily processed..
.. and its residues are a very good fuel for steam generation. We trust that the articles and links below provide an insight in the business opportunity that exists for the beneficiation of sunflower husks.
NB: Only a small percentage of the husks is used to make furfural. The resulting residue has a higher calorific value than the husks and is used as fuel for a CHP plant.
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The background information document includes an economic evaluation, with and without CHP (see “Furfural & CHP“) integration as well as a market outline. Available under NDA: {phocadownload view=file|id=47}
Want to know more about it?
Don’t hesitate to contact us.
About Biomass & Furfural
For owners of biomass we offer technology and market access, creating investment opportunities in the cleantech space. Contact us to discuss the potential your biomass has for the production of furfural.
Bagasse, Corncobs, Sunflower Husks and more ..
This article is part of a series on “biomass for furfural” production, which provides our clients with updates and analysis on the fundamentals and competitiveness of a variety of feedstock.