Project Profiles


Our business starts before and extends beyond the life cycle of a project!

DalinYebo undertakes projects from the idea to inauguration and is also committed to actively support the business’ operation with technical, operational and marketing/sales expertise.

Completed Projects


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Business Development (Pulp Mill)

Business Development (Pulp Mill)

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GreenEnergyPark™ – Cobelec Project

GreenEnergyPark™ – Cobelec Project

Cob.Trade™ – A Trading & Information Platform for Biomass (Call for Series-A Funding)

Cob.Trade™ – A Trading & Information Platform for Biomass (Call for Series-A Funding)

Furfural From Sunflower Husks

Furfural From Sunflower Husks

Furfural Production: Ideal for biobased CHP

Furfural Production: Ideal for biobased CHP

Furfural From Cellulosic Ethanol Biorefineries

Furfural From Cellulosic Ethanol Biorefineries

Furfural Markets (2014)

Furfural Markets (2014)

Furfural Integration to Sugarmill (with ethanol and electricity)

Furfural Integration to Sugarmill (with ethanol and electricity)

µ-BioRefinery™ Design

µ-BioRefinery™ Design

uThukela GreenEnergyPark™ Development

uThukela GreenEnergyPark™ Development

Furfural from Bagasse and Trash/Leaves

Furfural from Bagasse and Trash/Leaves

Furfural Addition to Greenfields Development

Furfural Addition to Greenfields Development

Doing Business In South Africa – Bio Engery

Doing Business In South Africa – Bio Engery



Yenepa Ltd.: Biorefinery (Turkey)

Yenepa Ltd.: Biorefinery (Turkey)



Large Scale Furfural Production (from Bagasse)

Large Scale Furfural Production (from Bagasse)

Added Revenue for the Cornbelt

Added Revenue for the Cornbelt

GreenEnergyPark™ Design

GreenEnergyPark™ Design

Diagnostic Study

Diagnostic Study

Converting Biomass to Energy & Chem.

Converting Biomass to Energy & Chem.

Cobchem™: Business Plan Development

Cobchem™: Business Plan Development

Arcoy Biorefinery

Arcoy Biorefinery

PSM Biorefinery

PSM Biorefinery

SupraYield® technology integration

SupraYield® technology integration

Business Plan

Business Plan

Feasibility Study

Feasibility Study

Turnkey Project

Turnkey Project

Long Island Biorefinery

Long Island Biorefinery



DIN – DalinYebo Innovation Nucleus

DIN – DalinYebo Innovation Nucleus

SupraYield® (Process Design)

SupraYield® (Process Design)

Cobelec™: Electricity from Ag. Residues

Cobelec™: Electricity from Ag. Residues

Passamaquoddy Green Energy Park

Passamaquoddy Green Energy Park

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Project Documents

Documents and media files in support of our project profiles for Clients and/or Investors as well as confidential information for our (potential) clients.

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It is about adding value to biomass, not only from the co-production of furfural when processing e.g. sugarcane, sweet sorghum or pulp mill liquors. Furfural and its many by-products (“the Furans”) are made from a variety of agricultural and/or forestry residues.

Our Knowhow

DalinYebo has solid technical expertise in the bio-renewables space. Its engineers, scientists and project professionals have been involved in the chemical industry (furfural/sugar, ethanol, pulp & paper, etc.) and in electricity generation from direct combustion (i.e. steam generation/steam turbine projects in the sugar and pulp and paper industry).

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