Not much has changed since the 2015 study: Corncob prices still dominate the base price of furfural.
Growing the Bioeconomy
Bioenergy crops could store more carbon in soil
Bioenergy crops lets much more carbon accumulate in the soil.
Cellulose – Biobased Platform for Chemicals
Cellulose is an organic compound, a polysaccharide consisting of a linear...
Palm Residues
Furfural production from palm residues would be an economically viable addition to its current processing.
Bioenergy as an obstacle to biobased chemicals
We have found that bio-renewable chemicals provide a better return than “burning” the biomass or turning it into fuels!
Favorable feedstock costs can drop cellulosic sugar prices
Ethanol Producer Magazine Favorable feedstock costs can drop cellulosic sugar...
Corn | Maize
Furfural from Corncobs Corncobs are used for about 70% of the global furfural production.
An Opinion: It’s the feedstock, dummy!
"So, It is time we rebuild this industry and put aside the false claims, the...
Where do the mealies go in China?
Generally, over 60% of corn is used for feed, whose price accounts about 70% of the total cost of pig raising in China.
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