Furfural has been commercially used since the 1920s.
Growing the Bioeconomy
Connecting the many “dots” of bio-based value chains.
Doing Business In South Africa – Bio Engery
DalinYebo shared their insight into the South African ‘biobased space’
Knowhow (Scope of Services)
DalinYebo shares its intellectual capital under a fee-for-service agreement.
Hemicellulose Focus
DalinYebo’s primary interest are agricultural and forestry residues with a high level of hemicellulose (specifically pentosans)!
Biobased Electricity
Biobased electricity co-generation is a sustainable core-component of the GreenEnergyPark™.
Biobased Energy
Biobased energy and bio-renewable chemicals go hand in hand.
Start Small – Think Big
Small, simple and sustainable biomass to energy and/or chemicals solutions.
Brent McKeon
COO of DalinYebo Trading & Development (Pty) Ltd, responsible for developing the markets and marketing and selling of the biobased chemicals and their applications.

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