DalinYebo (Xhosa): Wealth Creation
Creating Wealth: Sharing our Global Marketing Network
DalinYebo Trading and Development (Pty) Ltd (“DYTD”) was founded in 2002 to provide our business developments with the marketing and sales organisation for their furfural and furfural by-products. DYTD also supplies conversion technologies for the manufacture of chemicals from bioresources and provides access to novel applications of these.
Vision: To provide our clients timeously with a quality product that is made from natural resources or does not destroy our environment when it is made, used or disposed.
Services (innovate • develop • trade• biorenewables • globally): Our business activities range from conceptualisation to operating of bio-refineries to produce and sell furfural, its many by-products and energy. Besides multidisciplinary technical and project implementation expertise, we also undertake all activities from product market studies to global sales.
Sales: To buy furfural, furfuryl alcohol and/or technology to manufacturing furfural and/or biobased energy,
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Also see:
Market Trend
Market Analysis (Abstract) [for registered users]
2014 Furfural Prices
Furfural Price Tracker [for registered users]
Furfural Pricing (in China) [for our clients]
Market Access: Masterkey