
Renewable platform chemical and building block

Also know as furan-2-carboxaldehyde, fural, furfuraldehyde, 2-furaldehyde, pyromucic aldehyde or furfural:

  Molecular formula: C5H4O2

  Molar mass: 96.08 g mol−1

Furfural is one of the oldest biorenewable chemicals (discovered in 1821 and commercial production started in 1922). It is an industrial chemical and a precursor for a variety of (polymer) chemistry and solvents.

 Furfural has been identified as one of the Top 30 Biorenewable Chemicals[1].

Top 30 Biorenewable Chemical

Mapping-out Sustainable Strategies

ChemicalBuildingblock 220

  Download Sustainable Strategies Map, A4

Between the 1920s and 1950s, many pathways to a variety of furfural derivatives[2] were well researched, recorded and (almost) forgotten. The hydrocarbon revolution of the 1940s/50s produced many cheaper alternatives (E.g. Nylon was going to be made from furfural). Over the last 90 years, only a few chemicals have been continuously made from furfural.

However, over the last five years, we have seen a growing demand for furfural and the market is growing. DalinYebo has identified a current supply gap and future growth opportunities[3].

Old technology is available and can easily be adapted to modern production practices. Furfural production is not ‘rocket science‘, but was in need of modernisation. The technology that DalinYebo offers is is therefore an engineering renaissance and strives to provide viable and practical solutions.

DalinYebo makes its knowledge base[3] available in order to study and or implement furfural biorefinery projects and/or to rehabilitate old plants.


[1] Top Value Added Chemicals from Biomass (p.12 )  
[2] See downloads as well as “Map to Furfural and its many By-products 
[3] Masterkey: Unlocking the Potential for Furfural  


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