Market data of European Bioplastics forecasts production capacities to grow reports:
New bioplastic materials, compounds and master batches are being created daily and an increasing number of production facilities are coming on-stream.
The factors driving market development are both internal and external. External factors make bioplastics the attractive choice. This is reflected in the high rate of consumer acceptance. Moreover, the extensively publicised effects of climate change, price increases of fossil materials, and the increasing dependence on fossil resources also contribute to bioplastics being viewed favourably.
From an internal perspective, bioplastics are efficient and technologically mature materials. They are able to improve the balance between the environmental benefits and the environmental impact of plastics. Life cycle analyses demonstrate that bioplastics can reduce CO2 emissions by 30-70 percent compared to conventional plastics (depending on the material and application). What is more, the increasing utilisation of biomass in bioplastic applications has two clear advantages: renewability and availability.
1 EuBP market data: Documentation of survey methodology & more bioplastic statistics »here.