Biomass Gasification, the Lesser Known Renewable…
Why destroy biomass for energy and release Greenhous Gases, when you can create many products via the Furfural Platform Chemical?

WWII car with woodgas generator (Bundesarchive, Germany)

Biomass gasification technology is over a century old with its implementations in power production dating back as early as 1878.

The technology utilizes inclompete combustion of organic materials to produce a unique gas consisting of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen and water, referred to as Producer Gas. This Producer gas can be used for the production of biofuels or power generation through the firing of a gas engine, gas turbine or steam turbine boiler systems.

The more widely used application for the technology internationally, is for biofuel production, due to the greater commercial viability of the application in developed energy markets such as Europe. This use for the technology gained significant focus in Germany during World War 2, when the Nazi government hoped to gain greater independence from the international oil market due to international fuel sanctions placed on the war-faring nation at the time.

The use of the technology gained further favour from 1970 to 1980, when rising fuel prices forced the global market to place increased focus on the development of alternative fuel sources. With the decrease in global oil prices following the 1980’s, biomass gasfication lost favour in the international energy market with little technological or market development taking place.

It was only until the turn of the milenium, when global trends in environmental awareness and carbon emission reduction was placing strain on the international energy sector and international oil prices began to increase sharply, that biomass gasification regained a foothold in the market. (Ref.: Extract from EnviroTech Investor, 1 Dec 2010)

DalinYebo’s View:
Again and again we see organisations (Universities or private corporations) promoting “renewable” process technology, that has combustion of biomass at its core, with no consideration given to the fact that combustion generates greenhouse gases.

Biomass captures CO2, so don’t release it!

At DalinYebo, we focus on and support organsiations who wish to retain the hemicellulose fraction (C5 ‘sugars’/molecules) of biomass into value-added, bio-based products, without destroying it, i.e. releasing Greenhouse Gases

Tag: Furfural and its many By-products | Search: Biomass | Explore: GreenEnergyPark™

DalinYebo: Bioeconomy Consultants

Technology . Markets . Knowhow

NB: The above extract of the article below is posted ‘as is’, i.e. it has not been validated nor is its re-blogging an endorsement by DalinYebo

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