Bio-based Chemicals Getting Unexpected Boost from Shale Gas Boom
Bio (plant)-based chemicals are the unexpected beneficiaries of the North American shale gas boom .
Sugars, glycerin and other plant-derived feedstocks are emerging as economically competitive starting materials for a range of commodity chemicals, in part, because of tight supplies of conventional feedstocks such as propylene, isobutylene, butadiene and isoprene.
DalinYebo‘s insight: Bio-renewables can replace […]

Bio (plant)-based chemicals are the unexpected beneficiaries of the North American shale gas boom

.. Sugars, glycerin and other plant-derived feedstocks are emerging as economically competitive starting materials for a range of commodity chemicals, in part, because of tight supplies of conventional feedstocks such as propylene, isobutylene, butadiene and isoprene.

DalinYebo‘s insight:

Bio-renewables can replace petro-chemicals. Some 65 years ago (!!), furfural was destined to be the feedstock for Nylon (see “Historic Background”: dalinyebo.com/furfural-market).


See on www.environmental-expert.com via  Scoop.itFurfural and its many By-products

Filed under: Topics of Interest Tagged: bio-renewable chemicals, furfural

from: dalinyebo.wordpress.com



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