Engineering that has worked for 90 years.
Growing the Bioeconomy
Knowhow (Scope of Services)
DalinYebo shares its intellectual capital under a fee-for-service agreement.
Innovative Minds: Converting Biomass to Chemicals and Energy.
Experts with solid technical biorefining expertise.
How Green is Biomass?
It is very green, as long as you turn it into value-added products (like furfural or Hydrogen/Biochar), as opposed to just burning it!
Initial Platform Chemicals (IPCs) from Lignocellulose
100 years ago, the first commercial production of furfural started in the USA.
(Furfural) Biorefinery 101: Start Simpler
Keep it simple! Making furfural is not rocket science.
It’s all about the integrating furfural production into the mass and energy balance of a pulp or sugar mill,
FDCA to PEF (Polyethylene Furanoate): A Production Cost Analysis
The total operating cost (raw materials, utilities, fixed costs and depreciation costs) estimated to produce PEF was about $2,700/ton in Q2 2015.
How About Introducing BreakdownPEF?
However, bio-degradation of PET will result in breakdown products such as methane or (at best, if methane is recovered/converted to) CO2, the so called Greenhouse Gases, which in this case a derived from oil.
1, 4-Butanediol (BDO) market is growing at a CAGR of 6.8% during 2018-2025
Why not from furfural? 1,4 butanediol, commonly known as BDO has been made in the past from furfural.
PET Recycle & Reuse – Only an (Important) Interim Solution!
PET recycling is important, but all polyesters must be made from sugars (rather sooner than later)

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